The way we like to look at things
Chooseday - the day formerly known as Tuesday
While listening to a morning radio show one day, they said that statistics show that Tuesday is the most depressing day of the week. I thought it was interesting that we would want to accept that any day of the week is depressing - we are in fact alive after all, that alone is a gift, and this thought process felt reminiscent of a child complaining to their parent that they are bored. We have all been there, not all days will be sunshine and rainbows, but can they sort of be? Maybe not all day every day, but can’t we start to truly check in with ourselves and take an inventory of our thoughts, and try to tweak them just a bit. To understand that even on some of the most dull, depressing, challenging days, there may be a way to spin it? To change the thoughts in our minds into something positive- or at least more productive? Maybe tear away some of the labels, fill in some of the ruts we have dug? Don’t get it wrong, this is not just Pollyanna positive, not just a rose colored glasses positive, but a true choice to produce a thought that is not in line with negativity or depression. A thought that is new, and present and uplifting or motivating - an action oriented thought or a grateful thought. That is where choice comes in, and that is why we are adopting a new name for Tuesday, the most depressing day of the week, and we will call it Chooseday, the most transformative day of the week, moving forward.
We regain our power when we realize that we actually can choose the dominant thought, the thought that is going through our heads right now, accepting this, being aware of this, can be a real game changer. With so much information readily available, and so much competition in the world right now it is easy to get stuck in our heads, in the confines of our minds, in the old boxes we have placed ourselves in, with the old information to support our outdated labels and programmed ideas about who we are. Then we start to compare and contrast, and then we start to adopt the “statistics,” we continue to let it be OK that we are bored, or that Tuesdays are depressing, or that Fridays are the only good day, that we should live for the weekend… I challenge you to start to rework these thoughts, to stop complaining to mom that you are bored, and start to choose to be alive. Choose to feel the feels, no matter what day of the week, good or bad, happy or sad. Just choose, and then try just try to choose to talk kindly to yourself, to be present in your life, to be aware of the thoughts. To be happy and grateful for the things YOU have.
Chooseday, should be everyday, but please for the next four weeks on Tuesday choose to remind yourself of how powerful and special you are. Now breathe - a deep - present, cleansing breathe.
Thank you - Sat Nam.